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2020 November, Doctorate candidates and Post-doctorates, participants of 2-day Workshop on “Basic Statistics and Hands-On Data Analysis with R”, Institute for Educational Sciences (IBW), Uni Basel

Course evaluation on Comments for the Course :

  • “Didaktisch sehr gut and mit viel Begeisterung für das Fach”
  • “Bernadetta’s Engagement und Freude am Thema.”
  • “Das Engagement und die Humor der Dozentin, die Strukturiertheit.”
  • “Die Unterlagen (pdf-Folien und R-Code).”
  • “Dozent put lot of effort in the material and the explanations (power point, explanations etc.).”
  • “Engagement der Dozentin, regt zum kritischen Hinterfragen der gewählten Forschungsdesigns und Forschungsresultaten.”
  • “For me, it was really a good refresher course. After the course, I felt more secure about statistics.”
  • “I contained simple explanation of the concept.”

Course evaluation on the teacher

2020, March, Doctorate candidates and Post-doctorates, participants of 2-day Workshop on “Basic Statistics and Hands-On Data Analysis with R”, Graduate Center, Uni Basel

Course evaluation on What I liked best:

  • “Focused layout, compact schedule”
  • “Hands-on examples and visualizations on statistical concept”
  • “Nice teaching atmosphere.”
  • “I also really appreciated the exercises and examples for each section, they were very helpful understanding the content and also to deepen and broaden the knowledge.”
  • “Some insights into different statistical methods and how data have to been interpreted were giving, providing useful information for my everyday work activities.”
  • “The handouts although very extensive for a basic course have been carefully prepared.”
  • “The instructor was very competent.”
  • “R introduction”

2018, N.A., PhD Student at HSG
Bernadetta has supported me with my statistical analysis for my PhD in General Management. Since my last Statistics class had been a while ago, I was not familiar anymore with all the different methods and possibilities. However, she managed to explicitly explain why I should choose certain techniques over others and how to conduct the analyses step by step. Having her as a coach has been so encouraging since she was able to show me the vast possibilities of the different methods and the statistics program R. Her coaching style was very fruitful and highly reliable, always trying to get the best out of my work and insisting that I really understood the different analysis methods as well as their pros and cons. In that way, my learning outcome was truly maximized. I never had the feeling that I was “just another customer”, Bernadetta cared for my project more like a friend and I am so thankful for her commitment along the way.

2018, Patricia, Uni Zurich
Zur Absolvierung meines Masters bin ich nach dem Bachelorstudiengang an der Fachhochschule an die Universität gewechselt. Dieser Übergang hat sich, gerade bezüglich meinen bisherigen R- und Statistikkenntnissen, als nicht ganz so einfach herausgestellt… Glücklicherweise bin ich in diesen herausfordernden Monaten von Bernadetta unterstützt worden, die mich mit einer Engelsgeduld, viel Begeisterungsfähigkeit und sehr fundiert den „Zahlen, Formeln, Modellen, etc.“ näher gebracht hat. Nadet ist nicht nur sehr professionell und zielgerichtet, sondern auch unkompliziert, entspannt und grossherzig. Auch nach dem dritten Erklärungsversuch habe ich mich getraut, nochmals nachzufragen. Mit Bernadetta kann Statistik wirklich Spass machen :-).
Danke Bernadetta, dass du mir hilfst, mir meine beruflichen Träume zu verwirklichen!

2016, Participants 1-day Workshop on “Hands-On Data Analysis with R”, CUSO Switzerland, Post-graduates, Uni Neuchatel

  • “The speaker was very enthusiastic about her presentation”
  • “I like the slides and the scripts. They are very helpful.”

2016, Debby, University of St. Gallen
Bernadetta is many things.
Benevolence – Above all, Bernadetta is a truly kind person. It did not matter which feelings I had towards statistics or maths, her very nature turned the learning process into an enjoyable and positive experience.
Expertise – Not only is Bernadetta brilliant in her field, but she also knows a great deal about related subjects. So much so that we often spend our study breaks chatting about practical implications of the covered material. Linking my learning material to the real world gives me a chance to get the bigger picture.
Relation – The fact that Bernadetta’s program is tailor-made means that our sessions are catered to my specific needs, which makes the experience a very personal one. I find this individual and personal approach very efficient and effective.
Nerves of steel – Bernadetta is very patient. When I did not quite understand a thing, she would explain it to me from different angles, so that I could place it into context more easily. She never tires of breaking down concepts so that they become more tangible.
Asset for life – When teaching, Bernadetta focuses on bringing about a sustainable learning process. Naturally, exams have to be passed and papers have to be written, but Bernadetta always makes sure that I thoroughly understand the topic and that I am equipped with all the necessary tools to find solutions myself.
Dynamics – The sessions with Bernadetta could not be more different from the typical classroom situation. She instantly picked up on my learning style and designed our time together in such a way that it would optimize my learning curve. In case I feel the need to move things around a bit, I can be sure that Bernadetta’s openness and flexibility will be of great help.
Effort – Bernadetta goes to great lengths easing me into the topic. She devotes a lot of time to making the experience as fun as possible, but also as efficient as possible. Be it by sourcing additional material or answering specific questions, she wants me to make progress.
Teacher – Bernadetta teaches with all her heart and her passion for her field is contagious. Seeing the way that I have come makes me extremely grateful, as this shows how awesome a teacher Bernadetta is. Not asking too much but pushing me to get there eventually.
Talks – I greatly enjoy Bernadetta’s company. After the sessions or during breaks we would have interesting conversations that stick with me. We get along really well and that makes the learning process all the more pleasant.
Advisor – Besides helping me improve my mathematical and statistical skills, Bernadetta has given me some extremely helpful advice regarding university (and life) along the way. I am truly grateful and very happy that I have met her.

2015, L.R.
“I’ve had some previous theoretical knowledge of R and statistical foundations, but was in need to gain more practical skills to conduct my bachelor thesis. Bernadetta was the right person for this task and she truly supported me by patiently explaining the subject and guided me into the right way. She also suggested some really nice ideas, showed me workarounds and made me aware of common mistakes. I genuinely appreciated her permanent availability, the tailormade exercises and her uncomplicated, solution-oriented manner. Furthermore, Bernadetta is really fun to have around and we’ve also had some nice discussions besides.  I would definitely ask her again for help and can highly recommend her!”

2015, Cyrill, Master student at LSE (London School of Economics and Political Science)
“Having had little to none previous knowledge in Statistics, I was in desperate need of help to get through my final exams. After the first meeting with Bernadetta, it was clear that I have met the right person for the job. Her patience, humor and excellent knowledge of the subject have been second to none. Today I say thank you Bernadetta for helping get through my exams and thank you for making the subject of my nightmares, one that I now feel comfortable with! To many more projects to come!”

2015, Participants of Two-day Workshop on “Applied Statistics for Computer Scientists”, CUSO Switzerland, Post-graduates, Uni Bern

  • “The topics where presented in an incremental manner, covering all the basic concepts in order to understand the overall ideas.”
  • “The teacher is knowledgeable and open to discussions.”
  • “We got some cool discussions.”
  • “R implementations are very helpful.”
  • “Good reference material.”
  • “Gave a good overview of  a huge amount of material in a short time.”
  • “Good content and presentation.”
  • “Use of R was a nice touch.”
  • “Engaging speaker.”
  • “Excellent selection of material.”

2013, L.I., M.A. HSG
“Bernadetta helped me by my very difficult final project in quantitative finance which included a number of quantitative modeling and programming tasks. She has a very large know how in all areas in quantitative finance and could also support me with here excellent programming skills in ‘R’. Her efforts and her support were outstanding and she always came perfectly prepared to our meetings. Thanks to her strongly goal-oriented and extremely efficient work I have passed my final project with flying colours. Therefore, I can recommend her for all kind of problems in quantitative finance and would definitely ask her again for help.”

2013, Martin, MBF student
“Bernadetta helped me not only to understand the meaning of slides that were at first sight impossible to grasp but also showed me the important links and connections between the individual topics / chapters. Thanks to this, I was able to understand the details on the one hand but also maintain a general overview of the topic on the other hand. As Bernadetta has already a lot of experience in explaining mathematical matters, we could approach and discuss the topics very efficiently as she immediately knew where the tricky parts were. With her friendly and encouraging way of teaching, a steep learning curve was ensured! Thanks again for all your help!”

2013, Senta Stäuble
“Bernadetta Tarigan tutored me for both my statistics exam and the maths part of the numerusclausus exam, both of which I passed. She is great at explaining things simply and in different ways to help you understand. Bernadetta always came prepared for the tutor lesson and brought tables and other aids to help me. It was clear that she put in a lot of work and really cared about helping me pass which meant a lot and was also very motivational.”

2013, Business Professional Zurich
“Bernadetta Tarigan has been my tutor for 6 months helping me to brush up my statistics and mathematics skills which I needed for a work assignment. With her tremendous knowledge, skills and effort but also we her patience, guidance, and excellent preparation work, she helped me acquiring all the necessary skills needed. It was a great pleasure working with her, I can absolutely recommend her!”

2012, Studentin Fern-Uni Schweiz
“Bernadetta Tarigan hat mich auf die Statistikprüfung, die ich mit Bravour bestanden habe, vorbereitet. Innerhalb von drei Wochen hat Bernadetta mit mir den gesamten Lernstoff eines Semesters (Bachlor Studium), den ich grösstenteils versäumt habe, aufgeholt. Bernadetta arbeitet zielorientiert und effizient und weiss für die Sache zu motivieren. Ich kann Bernadetta sehr empfehlen und möchte ihr an dieser Stelle nochmals ganz herzlich für ihre hervorragende Arbeit danken.”

2012, MBF Student, University of St. Gallen
“Dr. Bernadetta Tarigan has been an essential help in keeping me on track writing my masterthesis. She helped me with statistical teachings specified for my needs, in clarifying the direction of my project and get me moving in the right direction. She has done a wonderful job of reviewing my work, editing, and providing many helpful suggestions. It was a pleasure for me to work with Bernadetta not only on a professional but also on a private level. Therefore I can wholeheardedly recommend her to anyone who needs some guidance and support in writing their masterthesis. Knowing that somebody is there for assistance was very reassuring.”

2012, MBF Student at HSG
“Bernadetta supported me in a quantitative finance class at HSG. Her effort and motivation was very large, also regarding the preparation she did for our meetings. Her help allowed me to deepen my knowledge even beyond the study materials. In the end I achieved an excellent top grade in this course.”

2011, Andreas K., MBF student at the University of St. Gallen
“If you have ever looked at slides provided by the professor and thought that the explanations were too brief or that they just did not make any sense to you, then Bernadetta is the right person to look for. I needed her help when I was trying to pass the quantitative finance class at HSG. With her self-created study material and tutoring, I found a fast and efficient way to fill my knowledge gaps and even find pleasure in the subject. Well worth recommending!”

2011, Tobias B., Master of Banking and Finance Student at the University of St. Gallen
“Bernadetta’s tutorial was my last chance to escape my – with regard to preperation – miserable situation just days before the exam. In a very short time she was able to spot my weaknesses and offered me tailormade lessons. Her teaching skills together with her specific tut preperations and her relaxed but efficient teaching style make her an excellent tutor, whom I’ll – if in need – definitely ask again for help.”

2011, Eva K., Unispital Zurich
“As a midwife I had to do a statistic course for the bachelor degree. As I am not so fast in such things I asked my friend Bernadetta to help me. At last we were a group of four midwifes –that needs a lot of patience, but Bernadetta could perfectly cope with that. With her -statistics was even a bit fun! She was so friendly and humourous and also gave great practical exercises so we could understand it. We all passed not bad in the end- thanks to her!”

2011, Lea F., Geography Student at the University of Zurich
“Bernadetta Tarigan tutored me in statistics for a university level exam last summer. Mathematics is certainly not one of my strengths – in fact it scares me to death! But with Bernadetta’s guidance and assisstance it was never quite so bad. She is a patient tutor and clearly explained all the formulas, steps and processes to help me understand the complicated maths. Apart from this, she is also easy to get along with and a lot of fun! Without a doubt I would ask her to be my tutor again, and would absolutely recommend her to anyone having difficulty with maths.”